The LinkedIn in High Heels Manifesto came out in 2017.
The first manifesto came outlines a list of affirmations that women can take to effectively, proactively, and positively lead online.
The manifesto includes 10 rules for women to abide by:
We have Powerful Stories to tell! We use our stories to empower people and lift others up.
We Inspire Positive Change! We lead change with conviction and confidence and improve our online community for all.
We collaborate and work to build strong People Pods! We ensure engagement, tap into the collective intelligence, and believe in the power of collaborative efforts.
We believe in our Superpowers! We are humble, strong, curious, determined, caring, ambitious, and pay things forward.
We don’t focus on taking but rather focus on giving! We act as mentors and role models in all we say and do.
We have a strong Vision and Mission! We don’t focus on creating followers, we focus on creating more leaders.
We are Strategic, Present, Genuine, and Personal! We are strategic yet check in with a genuine hello.We recognize and believe strongly in Diversity, Inclusion, and Space!
We create an atmosphere in which all women feel valued, respected and have the same opportunities as others.
We separate ourselves from Negative Energy! We don't believe in the excuses our minds come up with. We find the good side of any problem and set ourselves up for success.
We are Kind! We share, like, comment, endorse, introduce, recommend, thank, collaborate, and connect regularly.
Shelly Elsliger is a globally recognized LinkedIn Trainer, Forbes contributor and member of Forbes Coaches Council and a Career Specialist.